Unite Scotland Statement On Falkirk CLP

Unite Scotland statement on the Falkirk Constituency Labour Party (CLP) selection by Pat Rafferty, Unite Scottish Regional Secretary.

That Unite did nothing wrong in the Falkirk CLP is now a matter of fact. 

This was made clear by the Labour Party last week (Friday, September 6th, 2013) and more importantly by Police Scotland earlier last month.

Despite this, two Unite members, Stephen Deans and Karie Murphy, continue to be misrepresented by the media.

This campaign of mis-information is nothing other than a deliberate attempt to besmirch the reputation of Unite and our members by those who are pursuing an ill-conceived agenda.

 It has to stop and this recklessness has now brought Unite to the point where we have no other option but to take action against any persons or papers alleging misconduct by any party or person of this union in relation to Falkirk.

There are clearly those who refuse to accept that Unite has done nothing wrong but their on-going efforts to smear our union is causing untold trauma to innocent people and their families.

These allegations and assertions – wrong to the core – impact on real people’s lives.  Livelihoods and reputations are being put at risk because some people are determined to pursue an agenda in the teeth of evidence to the contrary.  It’s unacceptable.

Our message is clear:  Unite and our members have been vindicated.  It is time others accepted this and moved on.

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One Response to Unite Scotland Statement On Falkirk CLP

  1. Joe Paterson says:

    I’ve known Karie Murphy for the best part of 15 years, as a friend as a colleague as my Branch Secretary, her credentials are sterling, professionally and personally she lets no one down, I begun my NHS career as a part time porter, Karie Murphy in her own inimitable way encouraged me to get back into education, to seek further qualifications to make myself a career, that pathway I’m pleased to say was achieved, and not only by myself but countless others within the Service, there are no airs and graces with Murphy, there is a deep rooted belief and willingness to help others whenever and wherever needed, her Socialist beliefs are pure, they are part of her very being, the people of Falkirk would have had one very fine MP alas others decided that was not to be, and that is to their eternal shame.

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