Category Archives: Solidarity

How Labour Can Govern For Working People

By Paul Nowak, TUC General Secretary The trade union movement will work with Keir Starmer to deliver change. What an extraordinary moment in British politics. Labour back in power with a near-record majority. The Conservatives brutally ejected from office. A … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Economics, Employment Rights, European Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, The Digital Economy and Unions, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress | Leave a comment

Ecuador’s Military Assault On Mexican Embassy : Statement By Mexico Solidarity Forum UK

The Mexico Solidarity Forum in the UK has condemned the assault on the Mexican Embassy in Quito after heavily armed special military and police officers (The Security Bloc) forcibly broke through the premises of the embassy of Mexico in Quito, … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, International Trade Unions, Media, Solidarity | Leave a comment

Don’t Bank on Apartheid : Bedford PSC Demo Barclays Bank March 23rd

Bedford Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) will be demonstrating outside Barclays in Bedford High Street this Saturday 23rd March to draw attention to the role the bank is playing in arming Israel.  Financial institutions in the UK provide investment, loans, and … Continue reading

Posted in Solidarity, Trade Unions | Leave a comment

United Autoworkers Make Organising Top Priority

Following the successful outcome of the disputes with the three big US auto manufacturers over the past months in which the United Autoworkers won most of its demands from employers, the tentative agreements are currently being voted on across the … Continue reading

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UAW Dispute With The Big 3 – Downtown Detroit Rally Sept. 15th

UAW President Shawn Fein speech, September 15th to UAW members in Downtown Detroit Rally Good afternoon UAW family – and hello again to the Big Three. It is my absolute honour to stand here today.  Looking out on this sea … Continue reading

Posted in International Trade Unions, Solidarity, Trade Unions | Leave a comment

Turkey Elections: HDP – Green Left Party: “We made an effort to open the door to democracy”

“We have witnessed an unfair election marked by violations of basic democratic rules, which took place under the repressive conditions of the one-man regime.” Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) co-chair Mithat Sancar and Green Left Party co-spokespersons Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar and … Continue reading

Posted in European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

A Glorious History:  The Printing and Papermaking Trade Unions In The  UK & Ireland

For the first time the story of print and paper workers’ struggle for rights and trade union freedoms is brought together in one illustrated volume. From the resources of the Printworkers’ Collection at the Marx Memorial Library and Workers’ School, … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Employment Rights, European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

GCHQ & Trade Union Rights Campaigner Mike Grindley – A Humble Hero.

By Hugh Lanning Many seek prominence, others have it thrust upon them. Mike Grindley, who died aged 85 in hospital on New Year’s Day following a stroke, was definitely one of the latter.  Humble and kind, Mike had been beavering … Continue reading

Posted in Employment Rights, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress | Leave a comment

Venezuela Solidarity Campaign AGM

The VSC AGM took place on line on October 8th. Here is my welcoming speech as Chair of VSC. Welcome all to this 2022 Annual General Meeting and its pleasure to be the opening speaker for the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign … Continue reading

Posted in International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

Protest At Your Own Peril

Book Review: Matt Foot & Morag Livingstone – Charged: how the police try to suppress protest By Adrian Weir The odious current Home Secretary, Priti Patel, is widely despised and derided for her attempts to order the pushing back to … Continue reading

Posted in Employment Rights, European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Unite The Union | Leave a comment