Support Phil Turner NUJ FoC Rotherham Advertiser

nujlogo_burgundyPhil Turner NUJ Father of the Chapel for 30 years at the Rotherham Advertiser needs your support. He was made for “compulsory redundant”. Phil is a well-respected and hard-working union rep, elected by his NUJ members to represent their interests at his company. He is active outside his workplace in the wider trade union and labour movement consistently standing up for justice and fairness on a range of national, local and international issues.

The Sheffield Trade Union Council is calling for your support.

On Wednesday 27th May, the Sheffield Trade Union Council added its voice to the growing number of protests at the singling out of NUJ FoC, Phil Turner at the Rotherham Advertiser for “compulsory redundancy”.

Phil Turner has been the NUJ FoC for nearly 30 years, has been sacked after the company was taken over and hit with redundancies. This is clearly an attack on the NUJ and trade unionism at the newspaper.

Martin Mayer, Sheffield TUC Secretary, said: “We roundly condemn the management at Rotherham Advertiser for singling out their leading trade unionist Phil Turner in the company for compulsory redundancy. In anti-union Tory Britain can it really be fair game to  single out the senior trade union rep for sacking at the first opportunity? We call on Rotherham Advertiser’s management to take note of the protests and reverse this appalling decision without delay”.

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One Response to Support Phil Turner NUJ FoC Rotherham Advertiser

  1. john adams says:

    My Eldest son Dean Foc at Leycol Printers of Bow east London has been made redundant in simular curcumstances although only foc for about 18 months deputy foc for 9 years took up post as previous foc joined management. a culture of anti trade union is prevelant

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