TUC : April 4th – Day of solidarity with Wisconsin

The AFL- CIO, the TUC’s sister organisation in the USA, has designated Monday 4th April as “We Are One” day, a day of solidarity with the public sector workers fighting to retain their rights to collective bargaining in Wisconsin and other states.

It is the day Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was standing with sanitation workers demanding their dream of a better life. In the run up to that day, when the TUC will hold a solidarity rally at Congress House, we’re publishing an article a day on the campaign and the background to it, at www.tuc.org.uk/wisconsin – visit it every day to find out more, or sign up for our TUC international alerts service and get each article delivered direct to your inbox every morning.

Update: TUC Solidarity Rally with US workers and unions, 6-8pm, Monday 4 April 2011 at Congress House, Great Russell Street London WC1B 3LS

Speakers for the evening will include:

Kate Allen, Director – Amnesty International UK
Tony Burke, Unite Assistant General Secretary and TUC General Council
Prof Keith Ewing, Professor of Public Law – Kings College London
And guests from the US trade union movement

The rally with be chaired by Owen Tudor, Head of EU and International Relations at TUC.

To attend this event you must register by sending your name, union/organisation and a contact e-address to pbrown@tuc.org.uk. (Any further information about the event will be sent to you by email). We would appreciate your registration no later than Friday 1st April 2011. Registration is free and there will be light refreshments. Please visit www.tuc.org.uk/wisconsin for more information



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