Saltley Gate 40th Anniversary Rally

Birmingham Trades Union Council are holding a Saltley Gate 40th Anniversary Rally at 11am Friday 10th February at the site Near Saltley Gate Roundabout.

Speakers from the Strike and Current Struggles including Arthur Scargill and Tony Burke, Unite AGS – plus a performance by the Banner Theatre

We are commemorating the day that 30,000 Birmingham Trade Unionists went on strike in support of the National Union of Mineworkers in their bid for fair pay.

15,000 engineering workers picketed to close the gates of the last remaining open fuel depot – Saltley.

The blockade forced police to close the gates.

Come and Bring your Banners & Placards and See the Story of the Day by clicking the link.

 When Workers Unite WE CAN WIN !

Anyone directly involved at the time, please contact us ASAP

Mary Pearson – BTUC Vice President

Tel: 0121 773 8683 Mob: 07970174167

7.30pm Friday 10th February, Banner Theatre perform part of their ‘Saltley Gate Show and Fighting the Cuts’ at the Library Theatre, Chamberlain Square

Read the BBC Website report on today’s demonstration here. Also read the Unite press release here.

Birmingham report here

Morning Star report here
Guardian report here
Yorkshire Post report here
Irish report here

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One Response to Saltley Gate 40th Anniversary Rally

  1. Mary Pearson says:

    Thanks Tony for agreeing to speak at our Rally and posting this information. As you know Arthur Scargill is also speaking along with at least 2 of the local pickets of ’72
    Look forward to seeing you – It should be a good “Do”.
    In solidarity
    Mary Pearson Vice President BTUC

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