Honeywell Workers Locked Out (Again) In Metropolis

Lockout Fact SheetThe giant US multi-national company Honeywell has once again locked out its workforce,members of the United Steelworkers at it plant in Metropolis, USA.

USW local 7-669 has 150 members at the plant, which processes uranium and they work around many extremely dangerous and deadly chemicals.

The company is demanding changes to working contracts and the use of contractors to replace permanent staff.

Honeywell had previously locked out its workforce in June 2010 – once again we have a multi-national attacking workers in an effort to break their union.

So how can you help?

USW Local 7-669 is a strong local (branch) but you can help them by doing the following:

Visit their website by clicking here.

Follow them on Twitter @USW7669

Visit the Facebook Page by clicking here 

Sign their petition by clicking here

Send messages of support to the local via Patrick Young at

Print out the flyer and circulate or repost on your sites etc.

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