Early Day Motion 1978 – Get Your MP to sign up


Primary Sponsor of EDM 1978 on Trade Union Facility Time


Right wing elements in the ConDem ranks along with the some national newspapers newspapers have declared ‘open season’ on trade union facility time over the past 12 months. The following EDM was tabled on June 22nd on Trade Union Facility Time. Get your MP to sign EDM 1978.

Primary sponsor: Jim Sheridan; Sponsors: Dave Crausby, John  Cryer, Ian Lavery, John McDonnell, John Robertson.

“That this House recognises and supports the economic and social value of trade union representatives in the workplace; notes that there are over 200,000 lay union representatives in the UK; further notes that the union representatives in the public sector have been estimated by the Government to save between 167 million and 397 million every year in resolving or preventing disputes between the workforce and the employer, increasing the take up of training, reducing staff turnover and absences, as well as delivering annual productivity gains of up to 3.6 billion; further recognises that the cost of union representatives in the public sector is far outweighed by this resounding economic benefit and the positive impact on workplaceculture; further notes that union representatives are legally entitled to paid time off to carry out union duties; believes that the position of all employees and employers is improved by union representation; and calls on the Government to use the current review of employment law to reinforce the legal status of union representatives”.

Email your MP asking them to sign the EDM; email this message on to your contacts or Tweet it and put on your Facebook sites.

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