Category Archives: Unite The Union

The Australian Jobs and Skills Summit – a union view

By Andrew Dettmar, President of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union The national employment and skills summit which took place in Canberra on 1/ 2 September, was a triumph of participation and leadership for new Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. And it was an overwhelmingly … Continue reading

Posted in International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

Protest At Your Own Peril

Book Review: Matt Foot & Morag Livingstone – Charged: how the police try to suppress protest By Adrian Weir The odious current Home Secretary, Priti Patel, is widely despised and derided for her attempts to order the pushing back to … Continue reading

Posted in Employment Rights, European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Unite The Union | Leave a comment

Support Adrian Weir For Labour NPF In London

Posted in Economics, Employment Rights, Labour Party, Politics, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union | Leave a comment

International unionism in a globalized economy
 by Ken Neumann

SEFTON WILLIAMS LECTURE Given by Ken Neumann, former Canadian National Director of the United Steelworkers (USW) It is truly an honour to be here, receiving the Sefton Williams award and presenting this lecture. I want to thank the University of … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, International Trade Unions, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

MESSAGE FROM SHARON GRAHAM: For Peace & Solidarity In Ukraine – Trade Union Appeal

Dear Colleagues, As the military aggression against an independent country unfolds at an alarming pace there is overwhelming support being expressed throughout Unite to support the people of Ukraine. It is not only the struggle for democracy that concerns us … Continue reading

Posted in European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

The Metaverse is workplace and a labour issue

By VALERIO DE STEFANO, ANTONIO ALOISI and NICOLA COUNTOURIS First published at on 1st February 2022 The Metaverse has been talked about only in terms of gee-whiz technologies – but it raises very serious labour concerns. In mid-January, the … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Employment Rights, European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

Speech To International Workers Action / Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and All Anti-Racist & Anti-Imperialist Freedom Fighters.

Speech to International Workers Action / Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and All Anti-Racist and Anti-Imperialist Freedom Fighters. Webinar February 2nd I’m Tony Burke the former Assistant General Secretary of Unite the Union in the UK and I want to start by … Continue reading

Posted in International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, Unite The Union | Leave a comment

Speech at London Rally – Sheikh Jarrah Palestine January 22nd

Comrades and friends Tony Burke, Labour & Palestine and Unite I am here to express on behalf of Labour Palestine and Unite our solidarity with the Palestine and the people of Sheikh Jarrah. We stand shoulder to shoulder with the … Continue reading

Posted in International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Unite The Union | Leave a comment

Chile: Another Good-Sized Nail In Neoliberalism’s Coffin

The Chilean Presidential Election Explained. By Francisco Dominguez Men [and women] make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Trade Unions, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

George Jerrom: Former GPMU National Officer

By Peta Steel George Jerrom, former National Officer of the National Graphical Association and its successor the Graphical, Paper & Media Union was a leading communist working in the print and in print unions. A long time member of the … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | 2 Comments