Category Archives: Media

UAW Dispute With US Automakers: Biden & Trump Try To Woo Union Members

Biden tells Auto strikers ‘Stick with it’, while Trump says the strikes are ‘ridiculous’ For the first time in modern history a sitting US president joined and spoke at at union picket line this week.  Joe Biden was accompanied by … Continue reading

Posted in International Trade Unions, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

Sarah Woolley: “Trade Union Movement Should Back Organise Now”

Sarah Woolley, General Secretary of Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union (BFAWU) is calling on the whole labour movement to back Organise Now, as it celebrates its first anniversary.  As figures show that 200,000 workers (mainly women) left the trade … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Economics, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress | Leave a comment

Updated: Where To Now For The BRICS Nations

Economist Jim O’Neill (now Lord O’Neill) originally coined the phrase ‘BRICs’ in a 2001 Goldman Sach’s economic paper with the title ‘The World Needs Better Economic BRICs’ – which discussed the prospects for four emerging economies – Brazil, Russia, India, … Continue reading

Posted in European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics | Leave a comment

Unite delegates overwhelmingly reject disaffiliation from UK Labour Party

Brighton UK: Following a passionate and ‘well-tempered’ debate at Unite’s rules conference today (Monday 10th July) the union which is the Labour Party’s biggest affiliate has overwhelmingly rejected proposals that would have resulted in the union disaffiliating from Labour. An … Continue reading

Posted in Employment Rights, European Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union | Leave a comment

Brexit – a project led by nationalist far right forces who wanted to divide UK workers

By Simon Dubbins Unite International Director Brexit was always a project led by nationalist far right forces who wanted to divide UK workers.  With Europe and the world at the most dangerous moment since World War II, it’s essential that … Continue reading

Posted in European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union | Leave a comment

Artificial Intelligence Is A Collective Bargaining Issue

Unite National Officer for the Graphical Paper, Media and IT Sector and the Service sector Louisa Bull tells the European TUC that companies in AI have a  business model that is based on the exploitation of its workers. Like any … Continue reading

Posted in Employment Rights, European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

A Glorious History:  The Printing and Papermaking Trade Unions In The  UK & Ireland

For the first time the story of print and paper workers’ struggle for rights and trade union freedoms is brought together in one illustrated volume. From the resources of the Printworkers’ Collection at the Marx Memorial Library and Workers’ School, … Continue reading

Posted in Blogs, Employment Rights, European Trade Unions, International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

GCHQ & Trade Union Rights Campaigner Mike Grindley – A Humble Hero.

By Hugh Lanning Many seek prominence, others have it thrust upon them. Mike Grindley, who died aged 85 in hospital on New Year’s Day following a stroke, was definitely one of the latter.  Humble and kind, Mike had been beavering … Continue reading

Posted in Employment Rights, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress | Leave a comment

Venezuela Solidarity Campaign AGM

The VSC AGM took place on line on October 8th. Here is my welcoming speech as Chair of VSC. Welcome all to this 2022 Annual General Meeting and its pleasure to be the opening speaker for the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign … Continue reading

Posted in International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Solidarity, Trade Unions, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment

The Australian Jobs and Skills Summit – a union view

By Andrew Dettmar, President of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union The national employment and skills summit which took place in Canberra on 1/ 2 September, was a triumph of participation and leadership for new Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. And it was an overwhelmingly … Continue reading

Posted in International Trade Unions, Labour Party, Media, Politics, Trade Unions, Trades Union Congress, Unite The Union, Workers Uniting | Leave a comment