The global union federations, IndustriALL and UNI Global Union has contributed to the creation of a union in one of paper and packaging giant Kimberly Clarkâs plants in Colombia. This union forms part of SINTRAPULCAR, affiliated to UNI.
The union has been organised with the aim of enforcing labour and trade union rights in the company.
As expressed by the workers and their leaders, this is a victory achieved after several unsuccessful attempts to establish a union.
During this process, many workers lost their jobs and have commenced legal proceedings to recover them.
In August 2010 UNI signed a Social Dialogue agreement with Kimberly Clark which is monitored by a Management Committee (made up of companies, unions (including the United Steelworkers and Unite) and UNI representatives which meets annually. Meanwhile, UNI has established a union network composed of Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, United States, European and Asian countries.
The network invokes Workers Uniting unions, USW and Unite.
Comrades from the National Union of Paper, Pulp and Cardboard Workers (SINTRAPULCAR), UNI and Industriall have expressed their satisfaction with the creation of the new union in a multinational company from the packaging sector in Colombia, as this strengthens efforts in social dialogue and respect for human rights in this country.